You Can Influence Your Immune System More Than You Think You Can

4 Ways To Support Your Immune System
With this in mind, we should all give our immune system a helping hand where we can. Some practical ways to do this include:
1. Lower Your Stress Levels
It’s important to carve out time for your hobbies and things that help you to relax so that your immune system is not constantly working over-time. Meditation is an activity that has been shown to reduce stress levels, with studies finding that it triggers the part of our brain that positively affects our immune system.

2. Laugh Out Loud
Take this as permission to watch your favourite YouTube videos or movies that make you laugh. Studies have found that people who laughed out loud at least once while watching a funny video had a 50 to 100% increase in the cells that fight off viruses.
3. Eat Good Foods
Our diet is a key source of vitamins and nutrients, so eating a variety of vegetables and whole grains is important. This is because “deficiencies in zinc, selenium, iron, copper, folic acid, and vitamins A, B6, C, and E could all affect your immunity”. Supplements may also assist but do seek the advice of a health professional if this is something you are considering.
4. Get The Blood Flowing With Exercise Or A Massage
You may be tired of hearing exercise constantly touted as a solution for good health, but there is a good reason why this is the case. Exercise helps to boost immunity because it encourages the body’s cellular waste removal system to remove the toxins from your body. Another way to get the blood flowing is to have a massage, with research finding that a massage after exercise can be even more beneficial for your immune system.
If you think you could benefit from any of the areas above, we have movement, massage, meditation and natural medicine therapists who would love to help you. Click the image below for a free consultation call with one of our qualified complementary health professionals.
Disclaimer: This Content has been developed from our generous global community and is intended for informational purposes only. This Content is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon. Further, the personal views and experiences published are expressly those of the author, and do not represent the views or endorsement of SoulAdvisor through the act of publication on our site.