Stop Burying Your Creativity
Doris Wittmann
4 Jul 2024

We’ve been told that artists starve, we need a 'real' job. So most of us artists “do the right thing”. We drop the creative element down to hobby status and listen to music or appreciate art, maybe even get a little creative in the safe areas by decorating our houses or getting into cooking (or just finding a great restaurant instead).
Childlike Curiosity
Watch a child grow, in the biggest developmental stage they learn intuitively how to make sense of their world. They learn to talk, to walk and they do it all through curiosity, adventure and creative thinking. They see something they want and find a way of getting it. Ever been in a supermarket with a 2-year-old? No training manuals or scientific experiments there.
I believe when we 'grow up' we lock a little of ourselves away.
We begin following a well-trodden path to mediocrity and unhappiness. This is not just my thinking but is evidenced in depression, anxiety and all the illnesses and diseases that are in our world.
Wake Up
We wake up one day in our rational lives, having rationalized away the gnawing feeling that there might be more to life - having believed for so long that “the dream” was real and a job, car, partner, and the biggie, owning our own home will bring happiness and fulfillment.
How do I know? I did it. I followed that path and became sicker and more tired of life. I could see no way out. Ironically the opening of my creativity led to my work as a visionary and placed many others in my life with the same malaise.
I got to see how we limit hope and the very imagination and creative thought that might make our life interesting, or at least worth getting out of bed for. As a visionary and energy healer, heck even as a mother, I witnessed firsthand the devastation of closing down our creativity and I want to do something about it.

Imagine a World
Imagine a world without Steve Jobs, Einstein, Van Gough or Dr Seuss, oh no! A world without books and music would not only be very boring but many of the wonderful inventions with which we run our lives started in these fertile, creative minds. The planes, phones, even the safe drinking water we take for granted in modern developed countries was the work of a creative mind.
Who would send this inspiring, creative man to a 'real job'?
I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, ‘you can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don’t need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it’s the very best, and it’s the part I give most willingly.”- John Lennon
Creative Joy
Creativity inspires us; it keeps our inner spark alive. It brings joy into our lives, takes out the drudge and eases the path. From a great song which touches your heart, to the wonder of flight which lets you soar into the clouds and reach around the world.
Do you too want to contribute like this? Do you have a deep need to make a difference? Maybe it starts out as personal and that’s great. You need to fill up and inspire yourself first. You need to get creative with your thoughts and begin to let yourself out of that safe space you call the comfort zone, hopefully before it turns to a discomfort zone or worse still, you actually believe the rational statistics like “1 in 3 people will get cancer” or... you can get creative, curious and open your mind to new concepts, ideas and fresh thinking.

You Have a Choice
Begin to FEEL and sort out the malarkey from new choices that may just set you free.
So maybe it’s time to stop trying to do anything.
Maybe it’s time to begin noticing that you have a choice.
Maybe it’s time to have some fun and let some of your creativity out.
It’s not just in art, music and books that creativity is expressed; there is room for creativity in all areas of your life, even within rational thought. Will you choose to pause and wonder before you take another spin around your life on those same tracks?
Open your eyes and take in the full view, you may just spot your freedom.
You are a wonderfully unique being.
You left home to come here to Earth and experience your uniqueness.
PLEASE honour yourself and begin living it.
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