The Power Of Fasting

Sam Asser | 7 Mar 2025
The Power Of Fasting

We live in a world that wants a quick fix. We want a band-aid to cover up our problems while we turn a blind eye to what’s really going. Fasting is the process of getting out of our own way while getting to the core of our issues, and allowing the body to do exactly what it needs to do.

While fasting, we abstain from food in order to allow our body to go through a process of healing and regeneration. Your body is no longer eating all day so therefore that energy spent digesting food can be used for other things, like healing. I have interviewed doctors and experts from all over the globe who agree that fasting can extend the human lifespan and heal the body on a deep, cellular level. According to a study by Professor Valter Longo[1], just 72 hours of fasting is enough to regenerate the whole immune system.

I believe that fasting is the quickest way to heal. It can seem extreme, but sometimes doing something extreme is what it takes to see extreme results.

How long has fasting existed?

Fasting has been around for as long as human life. It has been practised throughout history, though often not by choice. Back when we were hunter-gatherers, people would go days without food in times of famine and then feast in times of plenty. The human body itself is biologically adapted to fast, which is why we’ve always survived.

Many great philosophers and cultures practised fasting for its mental, physical and spiritual benefits. It was used in preparation for specific rituals and to promote spiritual development. In fact, Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, was quoted as saying, “I fast for greater physical and mental efficiency”.

How does fasting work?

When we fast, the body turns to stored fat for fuel. This process not only promotes natural weight loss but also hormone regulation, which is what allows the body to regenerate itself. After just 16 hours of fasting, the body begins to recycle the damaged tissue, cells and foreign proteins that it doesn’t need and turns them into energy it can actually use, a process called autophagy. Studies have shown that fasting and autophagy lead to an increase in stem cell growth and a reduction in cancer cells, among many more positive benefits.

The mechanism that allows human beings to enter into a fasted state without starving to death is called ketosis. During ketosis, the body shifts into the metabolic state of burning fat for energy instead of glucose. Being in a state of ketosis is great for burning fat and losing weight. It also promotes brain health, reduces inflammation, and supports the growth of new neurons in the brain. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, and it boosts energy by increasing the performance of our mitochondria, the cells that are said to be the root of most chronic diseases today like cancer, diabetes and autoimmune disease.


Fasting can reduce the risks for and symptoms of different diseases, it improves brain function and gut health, and it may even lead to an increase in longevity. It has many physical benefits including weight loss, hormone optimisation, reduced inflammation, improved blood sugar control, and a reduced risk of diabetes. It can boost brain function, promote brain health, and has been shown to improve symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Fasting gives the digestive system a break and allows the gut microbiome to reset, which can help with many gastrointestinal issues, like leaky gut. A big percentage of your immune system lies in your gut and can influence your gene expression. Fasting kills off the bad bacteria, therefore boosting your immune system. It also boosts human growth hormones, so it’s not uncommon to see many athletes and body builders incorporating fasting into their lifestyles. Fasting is a common and well-established tool used to increase health and longevity amongst many cultures around the world, although most formal studies to this point have been conducted on animals only.

There is so much research now on the benefits of fasting and why people like you and me should turn to it in order to live healthier and improve on our quality of life. But fasting is an experience unique to each person, depending on how deep they are willing to go within themselves.

In my personal experience, there are so many more benefits that go beyond what science can prove. Dr Alan Goldhamer[2] said: “Every major religion has a tradition of fasting, and there is a reason. It is because fasting changes the way people think and feel about themselves and the world around them”. Fasting has the ability to deepen your connection with yourself and through this, it can strengthen your relationship with your body and your food.


There is a misconception that you will still feel the same energy levels and level-headedness whilst fasting, so often people continue their everyday lives instead of resting. Fasting is an intense healing modality and you should allow the body to completely rest in order to heal. Some people feel they have no time for this, so they push through while fasting and then wonder why it feels so hard or they find they can’t complete a fast.

You will experience detoxification of the body, which won’t feel great at times, including dizziness, extremely low energy levels and headaches. It is advised that you are in the right care and environment to undertake an extended period of water-only fasting. Fasting is also a very spiritual practice. It has been the catalyst for major transformation in my own life. It allows suppressed emotions that are stored within the body to surface, strips back layers upon layers of self-limiting beliefs and patterns that are no longer serving you, and allows for epic personal transformation and self discovery to take place. By resisting the urge to rush this process and by being intentional with resting, you are giving your mind, body and soul the respect it needs to upgrade physically, mentally and spiritually.

A final message

Fasting is a powerful, ancient practice that has been used since the beginning of human life to heal and regenerate the body, increase longevity, deepen spiritual connection and increase mental efficiency. Allow your body to rest when embarking on this intense but transformational journey, and always check with a medical practitioner before deciding to do an extended fast.

“Fasting is the first principle of medicine; fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself.” - Rumi


1. Home. Valter Longo; 2025.

2. Alan Goldhamer, DC. TrueNorth Health Center; 2025.

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Sam Asser

Sam Asser is the co-founder of Fast Way To Health. She is a public speaker, host and embodiment coach. Her passion and heart is focused on all things food, health and how we can control the path of our lives through the eating habits we implement in our lives.

Disclaimer: This Content has been developed from our generous global community and is intended for informational purposes only. This Content is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon. Further, the personal views and experiences published are expressly those of the author, and do not represent the views or endorsement of SoulAdvisor through the act of publication on our site.

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