Menopause: Ways To Reduce The Impact Of The Journey

Jennifer Harrington | 3 Jan 2025
Menopause: Ways To Reduce The Impact Of The Journey

Well, the answer is STRESS. Stress in any form causes our adrenal glands to start producing our stress hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol). If you have had excessive accumulative stress (and who hasn’t?) over your lifetime, by the time you reach menopause your adrenal glands are exhausted and they are no longer functioning optimally. This is a huge problem! The reason behind this is that it’s the job of the adrenal glands to take over much of the production of your reproductive hormones after your ovaries have stopped functioning. If your poor old and worn-out adrenal glands are struggling to keep up the production of your stress hormones, how do you think they will cope with the added burden of having to produce your reproductive hormones as well? The answer is, they won’t.

But don’t despair, we can nurture and nourish your adrenal glands and start improving their function, so you can start to feel better. But first, you need to reduce your daily stressors.

Seriously, think about your life. Do you need to make some changes? Should you change jobs, move homes, take a holiday, stop saying yes to everyone etc.

(On a side note, did you realise menopausal women are the largest group of new start entrepreneurs and the largest users of the dating site RSVP?)

The number one way to reduce and prevent stress from taking over is by exercising. It doesn’t even matter what kind of exercise, as long as you are doing it frequently. These are a few forms of exercise to consider:

Here are a few other ways to reduce your stress levels:

Bad stress management tools include binge eating, excessive caffeine intake, smoking, drinking and depending on drugs of any type to get you through. These may help you temporarily but will only add further stress to your body in the long term.

After you have added a few good stress management tools and removed the bad ones from your daily routine, it’s time to start healing your adrenals.

Consider a supplement regime that may include:

  • A multi or a B complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium (this wonder mineral, relaxes the body from the inside out)
  • And/or a herbal supplement. My favourite herbs for stress management include:
  • Rehmannia
  • Rhodiola
  • Kava
  • Ginseng family (American, Korean, Siberian, Indian)

It’s that easy. Start reducing your stress levels today, take a handful of adrenal nourishing supplements or herbs and start noticing the difference it WILL make to your menopause journey.

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About the author
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Jennifer Harrington

Jennifer Harrington is a naturopath, clinical director and Founder of Menopause Natural Solutions. She has authored a best selling book, “From Invisible to Invincible”: The Natural Menopause Revolution and regularly hosts the Menopause Natural Solutions podcast. 

She is dedicated to helping women all around the world transition as smoothly as possible through menopause. 

After working in various Sydney based clinics and corporate health businesses Jennifer decided it was time to open her own clinic in 2010. After advertising as a hormone specialist, she found she had more menopausal clients than fertility clients. The fast transformations that her menopausal clients were making made her rethink her work and she started Menopause Natural Solutions in 2014.

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