Feeling Secure Is An Inside Job

Jade Ghenzer | 4 Jul 2024
Feeling Secure Is An Inside Job

Most people identify with concepts such as a loving relationship, home, job and money when they hear the phrase: “feeling secure in the world”. The theory is, that if we have these things, we are protected in the future if disaster strikes or if there is an emergency.

Many of us might look to someone or something to make us feel secure. In my professional opinion, I believe no-one can give you anything before you give it to yourself. This includes the feeling of security.

In a nutshell, if you feel you have peace of mind without the relationship, job or home, you are secure within yourself. That is truly inner security.

Two fundamental emotions 

At the end of the day, there are only two fundamental emotions that drive everyone to feel they are safe or they are not safe - love and fear. When we love ourselves, we are impervious to harm. Can you picture a risky situation becoming an exciting challenge? It can be. When life becomes like play, we trust everyone. The universe is good and life is safe.

When fear rules us we are constantly in a state of lack. Even when we are overflowing with materials, we are looking to shore up resources to plan for things drying up. Our thoughts take on a fearful presence. We think we could be sacked from the perfect job at any moment. We believe our home isn’t safe. We doubt our relationship, our partner and don’t put trust in them.

My personal take on this...

I’ll tell you a story. I had been wanting to walk away from my full-time corporate job for some time. But I wasn’t secure leaving the income. My belief was that without my wage, my family would be at a severe disadvantage.

I felt an enormous gaping pit in my stomach every time I thought about resigning. I just didn’t want to look for another job in the corporate world. I considered that to be self-sabotage. I wanted to strike out in the alternative health field, but that would be new ground for me. I feared starting from scratch would mean I couldn’t help provide for my family. I doubted my ability to make a new kind of living and my self-worth took a dive. I felt stuck and scared, and I hadn’t even left the job yet!

Then the crisis struck - I became very sick. Twice. In the first week I was loaded down with pneumonia and in the second week I was in hospital with a severe asthma attack. Obviously, I didn’t want there to be a third. Health always trumps money and a job. And I loved myself too much to trade my health for a job. But I ended up facing my fear of lack of security. I made the decision and I left the job. The funny thing is that by doing something previously outside my comfort zone, I’ve started feeling braver and stronger. It’s like I can do anything.

Expanding your horizons

Security and building trust in yourself come from facing your fears, taking risks and discovering more about who you are. You start thinking of possibilities you once thought were beyond you. Suddenly, there are future possibilities everywhere.

By taking a leap into the uncertain, you widen the scope of your world. Suddenly, the unknown is known, and you feel more secure both within yourself and without external materials.

It is time to feel safer and more secure in your world with that big, scary thing you’re trying to ignore. My advice? Just do it. It’s exciting stuff!

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Jade Ghenzer

Jade Ghenzer is an energy and crystal healer who specialises in assisting people unleash their inner voice and realise their highest self-expression.

For over 20 years Jade pursued careers in telecommunication engineering and marketing, before discovering her love of energy healing and crystals five years ago. She studied a diploma in energetic healing and slowly transitioned full time into helping people give voice to their inner truth.

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