Ways To Heal Your Relationship With Money

SoulAdvisor | 4 Jul 2024
Ways To Heal Your Relationship With Money

Without adequate resources, it can be very difficult to live our highest purpose, and if we are struggling to survive, there’s not much we can afford to give back. Shifting our money mindset to one of joy and acceptance can free us from the psychological blocks that prevent us from experiencing financial freedom.

In this post, New York Times bestselling author Gabby Bernstein explains how to become aware of the obstacles blocking our prosperity, and offers straightforward, achievable steps to resolving the mindset that leads us to sabotage ourselves.

According to Gabby, the first step to is to pay close attention to your thought patterns about money, then make a conscious choice to shift your attention away from what’s missing, focusing instead on all the richness and joy that is already part of your life. This will empower you to gradually rewrite the stories about money that you’ve been telling yourself, which you absorbed during your upbringing, or from society as a whole.

The shift in mindset can be supported through symbolic gestures like cleaning out your wallet, or getting a new one, as well as regularly saying a prayer or mantra inviting abundance into your life. Another technique Gabby shares is the Prosperity Game, famously described by Abraham-Hicks. Playing this game allows you to practise feeling aligned with the flow of abundance: a crucial part of neutralising your fears about lack and limitation.

“When you start to feel abundant, abundance will find you,” Gabby says.



Money and Manifesting: How to Clear the Blocks to Your Abundance | Gabby Bernstein

Meet Gabby | Gabby Bernstein

Creating Financial Wellbeing Through Mindfulness | SoulAdvisor

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