Visit Your Local Park For A Dose Of Happiness

SoulAdvisor | 30 Dec 2024
Visit Your Local Park For A Dose Of Happiness

Studies of this sort have usually been focused on wealthier, developed countries, so we have not been able to establish whether the expression ‘the greener the city, the healthier its people’ can apply universally. 

As written up in mindbodygreen[1], a study[2] has set out to find whether green space can have similar effects in countries with varying levels of development. To do so, researchers gathered imagery of green spaces from 60 countries across the globe and compared this to each city’s average happiness score as reported in the United Nations’ World Happiness Report[3]. The study also factored in the wealth level of the country.

Green spaces had the most effect on happiness if countries were wealthier

A key takeaway was that urban green spaces and happiness are related. However, the correlation was weaker for the 30 less wealthy countries, which shows that a certain level of economic prosperity in a nation is desirable before green spaces can influence happiness. This makes sense, given economic prosperity is often linked to a better standard of living and more opportunities. Once these needs were met, urban green spaces had a more positive impact on people. 

Spending time in a park can make us happier, especially if we are with friends

Another interesting finding was that one of the reasons green spaces were related to happiness was because they tended to be places where we meet and interact with other people. This social support was found to be ‘the major component for connecting urban green space and happiness’. 

If you’d like to learn more about how nature can nourish your soul, our Earth Medicine therapists would love to help you on your journey. Click on the image below to book a free consultation call with one of our qualified complementary health professionals.


1. Planet. Mindbodygreen; [cited on 2024 Dec 30].

2. Kwon OH, Hong I, Yang J, Wohn DY, Jung WS, Cha M. Urban green space and happiness in developed countries. EPJ Data Science; 2021.

3. World Happiness Report 2020. World Happiness Report; 2020.

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Our purpose-driven editorial team has selected articles to share with our global community from thought leaders, commentators and subject matter experts in the traditional & complementary medicine sector from around the world. If you have any suggestions, comments or feedback, please contact us here.

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