Promoting social connection is imperative for the overall well-being and health of people and our communities.
In the United Kingdom, the first global Minister of Loneliness, Tracey Couch, was appointed in 2018. She said “Nobody should feel alone or be left with no one to turn to. Loneliness is a serious issue that affects people of all ages and backgrounds, and it is right that we tackle it head-on.”
A Short Documentary On Loneliness
'Loneliness in Aotearoa' is a short documentary directed and produced by Melissa Fergusson that will provide the viewer with a deeper understanding of loneliness, and raise social awareness for people who are experiencing loneliness, and how to reduce the impact of being lonely.
The documentary explores the following questions with subject matter experts from New Zealand:
- What is loneliness?
- Why do you think loneliness exists?
- Are the younger or older generations more impacted by loneliness?
- Does social media make people more or less connected?
- What can be done to reduce loneliness?
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