What does Soul mean to you?
The best way to understand the word ‘soul’ is not necessarily to comprehend it logically, but to experience it with your senses. When you hear the word, it no doubt conjures up a swelling of emotion, passion and heartfelt meaning.
Many may feel that they understand what the soul is, but exactly how to describe it is something the greatest philosophers throughout history have debated. Even the exact origin of the word is opaque, although one common school of thought is that the soul is the undefinable essence of each person, the thing that animates us, and what gives us our individuality.
At SoulAdvisor, Soul to us looks like:
Depth. We know that there’s not one simple definition of the word ‘soul’, and we believe that each person is entitled to their own understanding of it.
Regardless of how you define it, we believe in the influence of the soul on our thoughts, emotions and action. Have you ever felt an inexplicable tugging inside you when you look at the sunrise, or found a quote that resonates deeply within you? We have, and we think that’s our soul prompting us to lean in and pay attention.
We want to provide a platform to generate the ideas and conversations about the soul that people long to have. We believe that having these discussions are vital, because they are the ones that will deepen our connection with ourselves and each other – and in the process, Heal Our World.
What to expect...
In this section on Soul you can expect to see honest stories, advice and thought-leadership on topics such as:
Global Impact : Recent global events have shown us that we are all human, fallible, and reliant on each other. Our world is constantly changing, and to thrive we must be able to learn and adapt. Join us as we share thought-leadership pieces on the contemporary issues facing our global community.
Purpose: Our purpose on earth is the quintessential question of our existence. Many may look outwardly successful and put together, but are wrestling with this question on the inside. We believe finding your purpose requires saying yes to a journey of discovery. We talk here about finding your voice in this world, living authentically and how connecting to your purpose can foster an abundant life.
Spirituality: Like the soul, spirituality is another area where people have divergent, deep-seated beliefs. Whether you believe in a particular religion, karma or the benevolence of the universe, let’s have the conversations on how we can access more spiritual guidance and increase our awareness of the cosmos beyond us.
We hope these elements of Soul resonate with you. Discussion on the soul is so personal, with each person having different soul needs and spiritual experiences. So if you have stories to share or there are other facets of the soul, purpose or spirituality you’re interested in, we’d love to hear from you.
If you’re searching for more on any of the above topics or for extra support on your wellness journey, have a look through our Therapy section where our articles give you the evidence-based benefits of relevant traditional and complementary therapies and allows you to search by symptom.
When you’re ready to take the next step, book a free discovery call with the therapist of your choice and let us help you on this journey of a lifetime.