9 Ways To Make Gratitude Your Attitude
3 Feb 2025

World Gratitude Day is celebrated annually on the 21st of September however, you can bring a daily gratitude practice into your life, at any time. Below are a few ideas that you can do with yourself or with the ones you love.
1. Create a Date With Your Family and Loved Ones and Enjoy the Gratitude Game
Create a wonderful meal and place a name card and a pen at each space at the table. Ask everyone to pass their card to the right, and write something they are grateful for about the person that has the name on the card.
Pass each card to the right one by one, giving everyone the opportunity to write something on the card. This continues until the name card returns to the original owner.
A wonderful way to start any evening, as it lets everyone know how much they are loved, valued and appreciated.

2. Make a Date for Yourself, and Go On a Gratitude Walk
Is there a special place you like to visit or even a coffee shop you enjoy?
Instead of getting in your car, put your comfy shoes on and take a leisurely walk. Take the time to appreciate the sun on your face, the sounds of birds, and the feel of the breeze. Consciously take note of all the things surrounding you, and see them through grateful eyes.
When you finally reach your destination, remain in the present and enjoy!
3. Go Out of Your Way to “Thank” People Today
You can do this in any situation you have planned today. Be it at work, grocery shopping, picking up the kids, or visiting the doctor – whatever planned, you will come across people who will open a door, smile, give you a seat, serve you, etc
Whatever it is, acknowledge them and thank them for what they are bringing into your day.
4. Be Mindful of What Surrounds You
Have you ever been without clean water for a prolonged period of time? Do you recall what it feels like when you finally get clean water? And yet, how often do we thank the faucet when we turn it on and water appears?

We could also say the same about electricity, do you remember what it is like when a storm hits and we experience a blackout?
Everyday things can often be taken for granted and yet without them, our life would be so different. Make a mental note of the everyday things you have that make your life abundant.
5. Create a Screensaver or a Reminder Note
Taking the above to the next step, why not consider putting a physical reminder in a prominent place, and it could be as simple as the word “Thanks”? Having prompts will remind you to appreciate what you have. Be it electricity, water, food, somewhere to sit, your bed, shoes, clothes, etc.
It's about building up your gratitude muscle and becoming the default on how you see the world.
6. Compile a List of 100 Things I Am Grateful For
This may seem like a major task. To assist, break it up into objects, people, experiences, and events and note all the things you are grateful for that are already in your life.
Consider taking this concept to the next level by creating a reminder through visuals. Using a tool such as Pinterest, or Canva, you could create a Gratitude board. The twist is that rather than focusing on what you want to attract, it would be a reminder of what you already have.
7. Have a Morning Cup of Gratitude
Sometimes finding “me” time proves tricky, but this simple practice can be incorporated into your breakfast routine. Be it a morning coffee, a cup of tea or a freshly squeezed juice - choose your favourite morning beverage.
This routine will set you up with a gratitude mindset, and space to decide where you want to put your focus for the day. Extend this into your meditative practice, if time allows.

Take the time to enjoy it, firstly acknowledge the warmth of the drink or the freshness of the juice, send thanks to the people who grew the beans/tea or vegetables/fruit, and acknowledge how nourishing it is for your body.
Appreciate the drink, and how grateful you are to have it right now.
While in this state, take the time to acknowledge the start of another wonderful day, and set an intention for it all to unfold perfectly.
8. Write In a Journal
This is one of my favourites, as it is something that I can do every day and is a wonderful thing to go back to every now and again to remember. As you start to journal, you will recall the day, and get an opportunity to acknowledge everything you received throughout the day.
Always recall with all your senses and with a genuine appreciation. Allowing your last thoughts before you drift off to sleep to be grateful for what you have. As the old adage says, 'what we focus on, grows'.
9. Deep Breaths, and Remain in the Present
This simple tool of catching yourself and being conscious of breath throughout the day will assist you if your daily is hectic, you need to make clear decisions or feel disengaged operating on auto-pilot.
Taking three deep breaths will centre you, and bring you back into the present where you will become more aware and grounded. Be mindful and appreciate that deep breath for this is 'the gift' we all have the privilege of enjoying today.
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