Time Line Therapy®

Eliminate negative emotions and reinforce future goals by reframing past pain
Time Line Therapy®

How can Time Line Therapy® nourish you?

Time Line Therapy® aims to clear feelings that sabotage success and happiness. As an advanced form of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP),[1] the technique works with the unconscious mind to release negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, anxiety,[2] hurt, guilt and low self-esteem. 

By tracing the origin of limiting beliefs on a person’s ‘Time Line’, or order of memories, a therapist uses techniques such as visualisation and dissociation to allow a client to reframe their experiences and view them from a positive, empowering perspective. This can clear unconscious blocks and allow a person to change their future to achieve optimal outcomes.  

Created by NLP master trainer Tad James,[3] Time Line Therapy® was formalised in 1988 with his book “Time Line Therapy® and The Basis of Personality”,[4] co-written by Wyatt Woodsmall. 

An accredited Time Line Therapy® practitioner will be trained in NLP and Time Line Therapy®. The practitioner will be registered with the American Board of Hypnotherapy and NLP[5] and the Time Line Therapy® Association.[6] A qualified Time Line Therapy® practitioner requires a minimum of 120 hours training, coaching and certification tests. Master Time Line Therapy® practitioners, who are trauma specialists, require an additional 120 hours of training. To ensure you are receiving therapy of the highest standard, ask to see a practitioner’s Time Line Therapy® Association certificate. 

Benefits of Time Line Therapy® 

Time Line Therapy® can enlighten a person about how past events in their lives have created limiting beliefs and behaviours. Once unconscious consequences of the past are cleared, a person has the potential to achieve what they desire by rewiring neural pathways. 

Time Line Therapy is often used alongside the complementary modalities of hypnotherapy and NLP. While there is a plethora of research into these more established modalities, there is less available clinical evidence on Time Line Therapy®. Despite this, it has been reported to reduce stress levels and the intensity of negative emotions in participants who experienced NLP and Time Line Therapy®. 

Another study[7] also found that Time Line Therapy® may significantly reduce the intensity of negative emotions such as anger and sadness. The Time Line Therapy® Association states the modality may assist with anxiety, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and help people to identify the origin of their issues. 

Time Line Therapy® may assist in relieving symptoms related to:

Alcohol and drug addiction Anxiety Brain fog and clarity Circulation and cardiovascular conditions Concentration, focus and problem solving Confidence and self-esteem Conflict resolution Depression Fears and phobias Grief, bereavement and loss Indecision Mental health Mood imbalances Motivation and procrastination PTSD and trauma Sadness Stress and tension Show all

What to expect from a Time Line Therapy® session

During a Time Line Therapy® session there is a blend of talking, visualising and feeling. Generally the practitioner does not touch the client so it is viable to receive an online consultation. Your practitioner will discuss what you wish to address, and you will then be guided into a deeply relaxed state and asked to read a specific Time Line Therapy® script[8] verbatim. 

You will be guided into a dissociated state and asked to locate yourself on your Time Line. Then, floating above it you will remove all the negative feelings associated with memories using your creative imagination. You may then give memories positive meaning or change your experience of them. Through reframing the event[9] into an enriching experience, you can evolve and appreciate it. The practitioner may also assist you to plant future plans on your Time Line. 

A session can take an hour to an hour and a half. Many clients report rapid and long-lasting transformation.[10] Sometimes one session is sufficient but this varies according to the individual. 

As with any exercise or wellness program, please consult your medical professional before commencing Time Line Therapy®. If you have any concerns at all, also speak to your practitioner, who will be happy to address these and evaluate whether Time Line Therapy® is a suitable treatment for you.


1. What is Time Line Therapy®? Adriana James; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

2. Home. The Time Line Therapy® Association; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

3. Tad James, M.S., Ph.D.: Transformational Leader. Adriana James; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

4. James T, Woodsmall W. Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality. Goodreads; 1988.

5. Home. The American Board of Hypnotherapy and The American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

6. Change Your Time Line, Change Your Life, and Change the World. Adriana James; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

7. Ahmad K. The New Age Complimenting the Digital Age: Using Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line TherapyTM Techniques to Reduce Negative Emotions among People Involved with Information Technology. Journal of Organizational Knolwedge Management; 2011.

8. NLP Technique | NLP Timeline Therapy. NLP-Techniques.ORG; [cited on 2024 Dec 3].

9. Reframing. NLP World; 2021.

10. What is Time Line Therapy™? Hypnotherapy Directory; 2022.

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Frequently asked questions

Time Line Therapy® is an advanced form of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that specifically targets and clears negative emotions stored in the unconscious mind. It differs by focusing on the 'Time Line,' the chronological order of memories, to address and release emotions that may hinder personal success and happiness.

Time Line Therapy® aims to release negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, anxiety, hurt, guilt, and low self-esteem. It employs techniques like visualization and dissociation to help clients reframe their experiences, allowing them to view past events from a positive and empowering perspective, ultimately clearing unconscious blocks.

Time Line Therapy® traces the origin of limiting beliefs by exploring a person's 'Time Line,' a chronological order of memories. The Time Line is significant as it represents the temporal sequence of experiences, providing a framework for understanding how past events may influence present emotions and behaviors.

Time Line Therapy® utilizes visualization and dissociation techniques to help clients reframe their experiences. Visualization involves mentally revisiting past events and changing the emotional associations, while dissociation allows clients to observe events from a detached perspective, facilitating a positive shift in perception.

By clearing unconscious blocks and reframing past experiences, Time Line Therapy® empowers individuals to change their future outcomes. This process enables individuals to approach life with a more positive mindset, leading to optimal results and personal growth.

Time Line Therapy® can be integrated with other therapeutic modalities, and its suitability depends on the individual's preferences and needs. It is generally considered suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking to address and release negative emotions to enhance their overall well-being.

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