Thought Field Therapy (TFT)
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How can Thought Field Therapy nourish you?
Thought Field Therapy™ (TFT) is a form of psychotherapy that uses the body’s natural energy fields to relieve the patient of different forms and symptoms of psychological distress. It focuses on the specific energy points, or pathways called “meridians,” all over the body to correct various imbalances in the body that cause these symptoms of distress[1].
It was developed by American psychologist Roger Callahan[2]. It merged the concepts of modern psychotherapy and the ancient Chinese medical practice of acupressure and acupuncture, which emphasised the human body’s natural internal energy system.
Callahan, experienced in cognitive therapy, decided to explore other psychotherapeutic methods after completing training in applied kinesiology. In 1980, Callahan experimented with tapping therapy to cure a patient known as Mary of her phobia of water. Mary had made limited progress after several months of cognitive therapy and desensitisation treatments.
Callahan noted that Mary's fear often manifested as a "sick feeling" in her stomach, so he decided to tap the acupressure points under her eye, which he associated with the stomach meridian. This resulted in Mary’s sudden resolution of her phobia. Since then, for the 20-plus years to follow, Callahan further researched acupressure points linked to other conditions.
Much researched based work utilising TFT for the relief from PTSD and related symptomology experienced by those who have been exposed man made and natural disaster continues to be done by the Thourhgt Field Therapy Foundation.[1]
Benefits of Thought Field Therapy
The TFT method can aid a wide variety of psychological issues. It is noted for being a good way of treating fears in people that hinder them from living their daily lives. Parents may find it particularly useful for resolving their children’s fears, which can be difficult to treat using other psychotherapy techniques[3].
It is also a great way of dealing with stress management, especially for people who lead high-pressure lives or for people who have undergone periods of emotionally traumatic events[4]. It also helps in treating addictions such as smoking and drinking problems[5].
Thought Field Therapy can assist in relieving symptoms related to:
What to expect from a Thought Field Therapy session
TFT sessions mostly follow the same procedure. There is, however, a variation in the algorithms, or the tapping sequence used for the meridian points, depending on the ailment. For example, the algorithm set by Callahan for trauma involves tapping five to seven times on the eyebrow, under the eye, under the arm, and on the collarbone. Personalised sequences can be derived by therapists as sessions go on.
Sessions last somewhere between 30 to 90 minutes. It requires the individual to rate their level of distress on a subjective unit of discomfort (SUD) scale ranging from 0 or 1 to 10. They will then be instructed to tap various meridian points while focusing on the issue being addressed to activate or attune the necessary thought field.
Many patients feel a significant improvement after just one session, but for continued holistic healing, especially for more complex issues, more sessions are necessary.
1. History. TFT Foundation; 2024.
2. Thought Field Therapy. Institute of Noetic Sciences; 2015.
3. Tapping Away Our Children’s Fears. Thought Field Therapy; [cited on 2024 Dec 27].
4. Cribbs J. Thought Field Therapy (TFT): A Treatment Modality to Reduce Trauma-Induced Distress Among Adults Diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder. TFT Foundation; [cited on 2024 Dec 27].
5. Thought Field Therapy® Algorithm Level Training Manual. Callahan Techniques®; 2014.
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