The Feldenkrais Method®

Mindful movement for painless poise
The Feldenkrais Method®

How can the Feldenkrais Method® nourish you?

The Feldenkrais Method® [1] guides a person towards more effective action, posture, and breathing through gentle movements. A noninvasive modality, it involves being assisted through a series of movements to explore which is the most effortless or efficient to shift unhealthy movement habits. The instructions or touch aim to improve balance, cognition, coordination, and flexibility. 

The belief behind this method is that when we change our movements we can enhance our emotional regulation and mental capabilities[2]. The movement patterns can be learnt in group classes where participants are taught mindful movements which often involve actions from daily life to promote strength and flexibility. Private sessions can assist a deeper practice, where practitioners use non-invasive touching to help the participant explore new, personal movement possibilities[3].  

This system was devised by Russian scientist and black belt Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais[4] in the 1960s. In order to overcome a chronic knee injury, Dr. Feldenkrais combined his knowledge of physics, body mechanics, neurology, learning theory and psychology to create an innovative system of mind-body integration. 

A qualified Feldenkrais practitioner must complete three to four years of training, be held to internationally recognised training standards, and maintain certification by fulfilling annual education and professional practice requirements.

Benefits of the Feldenkrais Method® 

The Feldenkrais Method® aims to enhance awareness, movement and overall well-being for a more fulfilling life. 

The modality has some high-profile advocates who found it eased pain, supported rehabilitation and improved performance. 

Studies suggest the Feldenkrais Method® may benefit a variety of issues. These range from improving physical conditions such as balance and mobility for the elderly[5] or in people with Parkinson’s disease[6], to assisting with perceptions of poor body image[5]. One study also found that using the Feldenkrais Method® to apply touch engaged brain activity in participants[7].  

The Feldenkrais Method® may assist in relieving symptoms related to:

Anxiety Back pain Balance, stability and coordination Flexibility, endurance and strength Mobility and movement Muscle spasm, tightness and cramps Neck pain Nervous system and neurological conditions Posture and spine issues Relaxation Sciatica Scoliosis Sports injuries Sprains, strains and ligament injuries Stress and tension Show all

What to expect from a Feldenkrais Method® session

The two types of Feldenkrais Method® sessions are guided exercises (Awareness Through Movement®[8]) and manual bodywork (Functional Integration®[9]). Both are practiced fully clothed and take 30 to 60 minutes depending on the practitioner. 

Awareness Through Movement® classes typically involve participants being led through slow, mindful movements that emulate actions in everyday life. These could be activities such as working on posture and gait, or the safe lifting of objects. The instructor guides you through easy sequences of thinking, sensing, moving and imagining. These aim to increase awareness to adapt the most effective movements and posture. 

Functional Integration® entails the Feldenkrais practitioner instructing you to explore movements either verbally or through gentle touch. You may either lie down, sit or stand for these solo sessions.      

As with any exercise or wellness program, please consult your medical professional before commencing The Feldenkrais Method®. If you have any concerns at all, also speak to your therapist, who will be happy to address these and evaluate whether The Feldenkrais Method® is a suitable treatment for you.


1. Home. Australian Feldenkrais Guild; 2020.

2. About. Feldenkrais Method®; 2024.

3. Brummer M, Walach H, Schmidt S. Feldenkrais 'Functional Integration' Increases Body Contact Surface in the Supine Position: A Randomized-Controlled Experimental Study. Front Psychol; 2018.

4. Moshe Feldenkrais 1904-1984. Feldenkrais Method®; 2024.

5. Hillier S, Worley A. he effectiveness of the feldenkrais method: a systematic review of the evidence. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med; 2014.

6. Teixeira-Machado L, de Araújo F, Menezes M, Cunha F, Menezes T, Ferreira C, DeSantana J. Feldenkrais method and functionality in Parkinson’s disease: a randomized controlled clinical trial. International Journal on Disability and Human Development; 2017.

7. Verrel J, Almagor E, Schumann F, Lindenberger U, Kühn S. Changes in neural resting state activity in primary and higher-order motor areas induced by a short sensorimotor intervention based on the Feldenkrais method. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience; 2015.

8. Awareness Through Movement Classes. Feldenkrais Method®; 2024.

9. Functional Integration® Lessons. Feldenkrais Method®; 2024.

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Frequently asked questions

The Feldenkrais Method® is a non-invasive modality that uses gentle movements to guide a person towards more effective action, posture, and breathing. It aims to improve balance, cognition, coordination, and flexibility by exploring the most effortless or efficient movement patterns. The method involves both group classes and private sessions where practitioners use touch and verbal instructions to help participants discover new movement possibilities.

The Feldenkrais Method® can enhance awareness, movement, and overall well-being. It has been reported to ease pain, support rehabilitation, and improve performance. Studies suggest it may benefit issues such as balance and mobility, particularly for the elderly and people with Parkinson’s disease, and assist with perceptions of poor body image. Additionally, the method has been shown to engage brain activity through the application of touch.

There are two types of Feldenkrais Method® sessions: Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) and Functional Integration® (FI). ATM classes involve guided, mindful movements that mimic everyday actions to improve posture and gait. FI sessions are one-on-one and involve the practitioner guiding you through movements using verbal instructions or gentle touch. Both types of sessions are practiced fully clothed and last between 30 to 60 minutes.

The Feldenkrais Method® was developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, a Russian scientist and black belt, in the 1960s. He created the system to overcome a chronic knee injury by combining his knowledge of physics, body mechanics, neurology, learning theory, and psychology. The method promotes mind-body integration through innovative movement patterns.

Qualified Feldenkrais practitioners must complete three to four years of training and adhere to internationally recognized training standards. To maintain certification, practitioners are required to fulfill annual education and professional practice requirements. This ensures they remain knowledgeable and effective in guiding participants through the Feldenkrais Method®.
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