Therapy qualification requirement

At SoulAdvisor, building trust is at the core of our brand. When you book with a SoulAdvisor practitioner, you can be assured that your health and wellbeing goals are in good hands. That’s why our complementary health and wellness practitioners are meticulously selected, providing you with the highest standards of care. To become a registered practitioner on our platform, each individual must pass all five stages of the SoulAdvisor Qualification process.
Therapy Associations Minimum study time Level of qualification
Access Consciousness Bars® AC 54 hours
Access Body Process Facilitator
Certified Practitioner of Five Element Acupressure, Certified Practitioner/Master/Advanced of Fusion Acupressure HH Dip (Acup.) Degree in TraditionalChinese Medicine
"Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) Bachelor of Traditional Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Applied Science (Acupunture) Master of Applied Science (Acupuncture)"
Alexander Technique ALIASATAUSTAT 3 years. At least 1600 contact hours over at least 3 years and within 4 years
Diploma of Alexander Therapy
Animal Assisted Therapy AAIIISAAT 1 Year post Bachelor Degree
One of these Diplomas : Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) Animal Assisted Education (AAE). Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) Animal Support (AS)
Anusara® Yoga ASHY 500 hours
Anusara Certified Teaching qualification
Aromatherapy IAAMA 1 year inclusive of 120 clinical hours
Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy
Masters degree which includes 750 hours of supervised clinical placement
Ashtanga Yoga KPJYogaShala 2 years
Extensive training through K Patthabi Jois Yoga Shala - accepted teacher
Ayurveda AAANAMA 18 months or 3 Years
Advance diploma in Ayurvedic Studies - 3 years Diploma or Cert 4 in Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant Membership- 18 months
Balneotherapy ESA 2 years working in a medical spa
Work experience of 2 years or more
Biochemic Therapy BG e.V.IBM 4 day intensive
Certificate of Biochemistry
Biofeedback AAPBBCIA 3000 patient hours over 5 years for BCIA Board Certified BCB, other courses at least 100 hours covering the 42-hours of BCIA Blueprint of Knowledge Statements, in which case a prior qualification is required.
BCIA Board Certified BCB : professionals certified in general biofeedback covering all modalities such as SEMG, Thermal, GSR, HRV, and an overview of neurofeedback. BCN: professionals certified in neurofeedback or EEG Biofeedback. BCB-PMD: professionals certified to use SEMG biofeedback to treat elimination disorders including incontinence, and pelvic pain. HRV-B professional certified in HRV-B study the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is measured by the variation in the beat-to-beat interval.
BodyTalk IBA 6 months
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP) Certified BodyTalk Practitioner for Animals (CBP-A)
Bowen Therapy BAABTFA 12 months
Certificate lV in Bowen Therapy Diploma of Specialised Bowen Therapy
Brain Gym® BGA 2 years since commencing BrainGym101
Brain Gym Instructor Brain Gym Consultant
Breathwork ABAGPBAIBF 450 hours
Buteyko BABBABBEA 15 months or 3 days post degree in health sciences or equivalent
BIBH Diploma of Buteyko or equivalent. Includes 50 case studies
Chair Yoga Certificate in Chair Yoga and 200 Hours of Yoga Teacher Training
Diploma of Chair Yoga
Chinese Massage AACMACSTAAFCMA 1 year partime
Diploma of Chinese Massage Traditional Chinese Medicine Degree
Chiropractic ACAICA 3 years
"Bachelor of Health Science/ Bachelor of Applied Science (Chiropractic) Bachelor of Science in Chiropractic Science Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic Master of Chiropractic"
"ACC Associate Certified Coach : 60+ hours training and 100+ hours experience PCC Professional Certified Coach : 100+ hours training and 500+ hours experience MCC Masters Certified Coach : 200+ hours training and 2500 hours experience"
Colon Hydrotherapy I-ACT 1 year of study and experience or 4 months for those who have studied an anatomy based discipline beforehand
Colour Therapy IWOC 6 months
Diploma of Colour Therapy
Connecting to Country lifetime
Lineage or permission based
Core Energetics IACE 4 years
Core Energetics Certified Practitioner
Corporate Yoga IAYTDruIYAKPJYogaShalaKYTANZLYISYTAYAYA 200 hours of yoga teacher training
Certificate Yoga Teacher 200 Hours (+) - Must show experience teaching in a corporate environment eg letter from company, copies of advertising socials, linkedIn page
Degree , Masters or Post Graduate Diploma in Counselling
Craniosacral Therapy
Cryotherapy 6 hours and 1 year experience
Certificate of Cryotherapy plus qualification in a TCIH modality
Crystal Therapy ACHO 2 years of study and experience
Diploma of Crystal Therapy
Cupping AACMACSTAAFCMAICMART Qualification in related TCIH discipline plus 5 days
Certificate of Cupping ( Ba Guan)
Dance Movement Therapy DTAAEADMTADTA 2 years
Diploma of Dance Movement Therapy Masters in Dance Movement Therapy
Deep Tissue Massage AMTMMAMAA 50 hours in addition to previous qualification in the field of bodywork
Certificate of Deep Tissue Massage Therapy
Dietitian DAAICDA 2 years and 500 Hrs supervised practicum
Bachelor of Dietetics and Nutrition Masters of Dietetics and Nutrition
Doulas DNAIEHADONA 18 months training and experience
Certificate IV in Doulaing DONA International Certification
Dru Yoga Dru 250 hours
Dru Yoga Teachers Certificate
Earthing SBL no minimum
Must have another accepted TCIH qualification in addition to training using the earthing equipment
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) EFT Int. 36 hours
EFT Level 3 – Advanced Approaches Practitioner
End of Life Doulas IEHANSDAN 18 months training and experience
Cert IV if End of Life Doulaing
Energy Healing ETAIEHA 200 hours ( min 60 hours in clinic)
Professional certificate in Energy healing of equivalent
Essences BAFPATBC varies
Unless longer than 200 hours will be seen as an Adjunct therapy requiring training in another substantial TCIH modality
Exercise Physiology ASEPESSA 4 Years
Bachelor Degree
Expressive Arts Therapy IEATANCCATA 2-7 years
Masters in Expressive Arts Therapy Doctorate in Expressive Arts Therapy
Family Constellation ISCAWSCO 12 Days - piror qualification in related field required
Family Constellation certificate
Feng Shui AFSCIFSA 4 months
Feng Shi Master Professional Memberof International Feng Shui Association
Forest Therapy INFTAFTH 4 or 8 months
Certificate as Forest Bathing Guide ( 4 months) Forest Therapist( 8 months)
Forrest Yoga 300 hours
Certificate of Forrest Yoga
Hatha Yoga IAYTGCYTSYTAYAYA 200 hours
Health and Wellness Coaching HCANZAIAHCNBHWC 12 months
Need to adhere to these guidelines :
Heliotherapy SLTBR variable - over 2 years
recognition as a heliotherapist
Bachelor or Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine, Ayurvedic Practitioner TCM practitioner
Homeopathy AHAAROHGHFNZHS 2 years
Advanced Diploma
Horticultural Therapy AHTATHA 3 years
Bachelors Degree and 400 hour internship
Hot Stone Massage MMAMAA 30 hours
Certificate of Hot Stones Therapy in addition to previous massage qualification
Hypnobirthing HypnoBA 3 Day in addition to training in a substantial TCIH modality
Certificate of Hypnobirthing
Hypnotherapy ASHNZAPHACCPHASCHGHRHypnoBA 190hrs postgraduate, 1200 for undergraduate
Postgraduate Certificate (190hrs) or Diploma of Hypnotherapy(1200 hrs)
Iridology IIPA 40 hours in addition to qualification in a substantial TCIH therapy.
IIPA Certified or equivalent
Iyengar Yoga BKSIAIYA 400 hours inclusive of 100 assisting, adjusting and teaching students
Introductory · Intermediate Junior (Levels I, II and III) · Intermediate Senior (Levels I, II and III) · Advanced Junior (Levels I, II and III) · Advanced Senior (Levels I, II)
Japanese yoga YA 300 hours and 1 year minimum of teaching
Diploma of Japanese Yoga Teaching
Kids Yoga YAYA 95 on a 200 hour yoga teacher training or 50 hours on a 350 hour yoga teacher training
Certificate of Kids Yoga
Kinesiology AIKIASKIKC 350 hours
Certificate IV or equivalent
Kundalini Yoga IKYTAKYTANZ 220 hours
Certificate Level 1,2 and 3
Laughter Yoga LYI 2-5 days
Certificate CLYL Certificate CLYT
Life Coaching ACTOICFICR ACC 60 hrs training 100hrs coach practice, PCC 125 hrs training 500hrs coach practice, MCC 200 hrs training 2500hrs coach practice
Accredited Certified Coach (ACC) Professional Certified Coach (PCC) Master Certified Coach (MCC)
Lomi Lomi ALH 12 Days
Certificate Level 2-7
Lymphatic Drainage ALALANA 32 hours
Certificate as an adjunct to training in other substantial TCIH modalities
Magnetic Field Therapy 12 hours
Certificate of Magnetic Therapy as an adjunct to other substantial training in TCIH modalities
Meditation IMTTAIMTAIMMAMA 2 years personal practice 110 hrs teacher training
Certificate of Meditation Teaching Diploma of Meditation Teaching
Midwifery ANMFEMA 3 years
Bachelor Degree in Midwifery
Mindfulness IMTAIMMA 200 hours
Certificate of Mindfulness Teaching or equivalent
Myofascial Release Therapy NAMTPT 5 days
Certificate of Myofascial Release Therapy
Myotherapy IMAMMAMAA 1135 hours
Bachelor Degree of Myotherapy Advanced Diploma of Myotherapy
Nature-Based Therapy IEAINFTA varies
Bachelor of Applied Health Science in Naturopathy Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) ANLPNLPAANLPGlobal 70 hours face to face, 120 hours online
Certificate of NLP
Neurofeedback AAPBBCIAISNR 36 hrs training, 25hours mentoring
36hr training, 25 hr in addition to training in related TCIH therapies.
Nutrition AARPNNSA 1355 hours
Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition Advanced Diploma in Nutrition
Occupational Therapy OTAusWFOT 4 years
Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy Honours in Occupational Therpay
Osteopathy OAOIA 4 years
Bachelor of Applied Science in Osteopathy Honours in Osteopathy
Personal Training AUSactiveESSAIFPA 18 months
Certificate IV or equivalent
Physiotherapy APAWP 4 years
Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy Postgraduate in Physiotherapy
Pilates PAAPMA 1 year
Group Instructor, Studio Instructor Pilates Practitioner
Podiatry APodAFIP 4 years
Bachelor of Health Science in Podiatry Post graduate Diploma of Podiatry
Polarity Therapy APAAPTAIPEA 800 hours
Diploma of Polarity Therapy
Pregnancy Yoga YAYA 150 hours
Certificate of Prenatal yoga in addition to 200+ hours of Yoga Teacher training
Degree of Psychology Post Graduate Psychology
Psychotherapy ACCPHAABCPIAGPPACFA 250 hours postgraduate from related TCIH therapy
Bachelor of Psychotherapy Diploma of Psychotherapy Masters in Psychotherapy
Qigong NQAWTQA 350 hours of documented formal Qigong training, 3 years of personal Qigong practice ,2 years experience teaching Qigong
Qigong Instructor Level 2 (NQA)
Quantum Consciousness IQC 30 hours
Diploma of Quantum Consciousness
Raja Yoga BK years
by application to organisation and guru
Rapid Transformational Therapy® RTT 448 hours
Certficate as Practitioner RTT
Reflexology RAoAICRSBL 400 hours
Certificate of Clinical Reflexology Diploma of Clinical Reflexology
Reiki ARCIARPRA 12 months of training and experience
Accredited Reiki Treatment Practitioner Level 2 + 12 months experience
Remedial Massage AMTANTAMMAMAA 13 months
Diploma or Remedial Massage
Resource Therapy RTA 60 hours
Clinical Qualification in Resource Therapy in addition to qualification in substantial TCIH modality
Rolfing ERA 2 years
Diploma of Rolfing Certificate of Rolfing
Rongoā Māori TKRT Lineage based
Practitioners have their own skills that are recognised, interconnected, universally understood and accepted by the rongoā sector.
Samvahan 2 years
Samvahan Vidya Certificate
Sandplay Therapy 230 hours
Certificate in Sandplay Therapy and prior counselling or psychotherapy qualifications
Satyananda Yoga SYTA 2 years
Diploma or Level 2 Certificate
SCENAR Therapy SPA 9 days
Level 3 Certificate in addition to a related substantial TCIH qualification
Shiatsu STAAISNA 400 hours training and 200 clinical hours
Shiatsu Diploma Shiatsu Certificate IV
Social Work AASWIFSW 4 years
Bachelor Degree in Social Work Post Graduate in Social Work
Somatic Experiencing SETIEASE 246 hours
Certificate in Somatic Experiencing
Sound Therapy ISTASHA 200 hours over 2 years of integration
Cert IV Sound Therapy Diploma of Sound Therapy
Sports Massage Therapy ESSAMAASMA 1 Year
Cert IV in Sports Massage Diploma in Sports Massage
Swedish Massage AMTMMAMAA 9 months
Certificate of Swedish Massage
Tai Chi ITQFTCAAWTQA 2 years
Master of Tai Chi
Tension and Trauma Release Exercises® TRE 105 hours
Certified TRE Provider
The Feldenkrais Method® AFGIFA 3 years
Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner
Therapeutic Touch® TTAATTIA 2 years including 12 months mentorship
Qualified Therapeutic Touch Practitioner
Therapeutic Voicework AVAIAVMTVDI 1 year
ThetaHealing® 3-6 days
Qualification in related TCIH substantial modality plus Certificate in Theta Healing
Tibetan Medicine CCTM 4 years
Tibetan Medical Practitioner
Time Line Therapy® TLTA 120 to 240 hours
Accredited Time Line Therapy practitioner (120 hours) Master Time Line Therapy practitioner (240 hours)
Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Healing ANTAC Lifetime lineage
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) AACMACSTAAFCMAICMART 4 years
Doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Chinese Medicine Bachelor of Health Science in Chinese Medicine
Traditional Thai Massage THAI 18 months
Cert IV
Traditional Tibetan Massage CCTM 4 years
Tibetan Kunye Practitioner
Vinyasa Yoga IAYTYAYA 200 hours
Certificate in Vinyasa Yoga
Visceral Manipulation BIABI 4 days
Qualification in related healthcare discipline plus Techniques Certification Level - CVTP Practitioner Certification Level - CVMP
Wayapa Wuurrk WW 7 days
Wim Hof Method WHM 1 year
Wim Hof Certified practitioner
Yoga Therapy IAYTAUSactive 1000 hours
Zenthai Shiatsu Massage ZS 9 months
Diploma of ZenThai Shiatsu
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