8 Week Laughter Training 1:1
Do you think that there’s not enough laughter in your life?
This powerful eight-week program helps you to laugh more, regardless of your current mood or situation.
Daily five minute laughter calls will boost your energy levels every day and in a weekly one hour video conference we will assess your progress and talk about your holistic health.
There are seven energy centres that make up our holistic health and they can be linked to traditional medicine dating back more than 5000 years. Every week, we will address one energy centre and you will get homework in order to learn how to master the power of laughter.
This is run online individually for you and is an effective way to learn how to implement laughter into your everyday life. The benefits in a nutshell include:
• improved health
• reduced stress
• build resilience
• improved performance
• enhanced relationships.
This individual laughter training program is for everyone who wants to commit to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
Limited 1:1 positions available!
* Business hours flexible on request
Pricing options
13 hr
1290 AUD
Laughter Skills by Katrin Marras
Singleton, Western Australia, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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