In person
Zen Shiatsu Therapy is a healing technique developed by the Japanese Master, Shizuto Masunaga which literally means “finger pressure”.
Meridians are defined channels of energy that run through the body. Each meridian relates to physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the person. The energy known as ki or chi runs through the meridians. There can be too much or too little ki in each meridian.
A Shiatsu treatment with Liama will balance the ki in your meridians. By balancing the meridians, the root cause of a condition is treated. This promotes the body’s natural healing abilities and overall wellbeing is improved. Benefits include pain relief, stress and tension release, boosted immune system, improved circulation and mental clarity.
Liama can also undertake Shiatsu treatment sessions with children on request.
Pricing options
Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia
Inspire Yoga and Wellbeing
Dee Why, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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