Cosmetic Acupuncture
In person
Who needs Botox, face lifts & fillers????
Cosmetic Acupuncture treats both the facial area for external issues & the body for any internal imbalances.
Using face, pulse & tongue diagnosis to determine the underlying causes of common facial cosmetic issues. Cosmetic Acupuncture is a two-fold approach to address internal imbalances which over time become external issues showing on the facial area.
Treatment is particularly beneficial for increasing hydration to plump and smooth fine lines & wrinkles, even out dull dry or mottled complexion, and to release deeply held tension in the face.
Regain a youthful glowing complexion
Treatments are individually tailored to each client & include
Diagnosis for a treatment plan
Massage, Facial & Body Acupuncture , Reiki healing
Longer sessions may be booked for adding massage as well
Gua Sha with Pureheart Alchemy Mermaid oil
Your session may also include a combination of other supports such as cupping, Gua Sha, herbal formula, yoga therapy, meditation, lifestyle counseling & nutritional guidance.
Prices range from $190 - $260
Discounts apply to treatment packages
Pricing options
1 hr
190 AUD
Glebe, New South Wales, Australia
Kelli Howard - Zen Medicine Yoga & Clinic
Glebe, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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