Discover Your Spirit Animal Guide with Cynthia Menard
Are you looking to connect with a spirit animal guide but unsure how to start? Let me journey to the spirit realm on your behalf. I will call an animal spirit guide who is willing to work with you and help you connect with them.
This service is divided into two 30-minute Zoom sessions. At the first meeting, I will get to know you and learn about what you're looking for in a guide. After our meeting, I will journey into the spirit realm and call for an animal spirit guide to come work with you.
In our second session, I will share what I discovered on my journey, including which animal showed up and how you can best work with them. I'll share some resources to help get you started and answer any questions you have. The information from my journey and resources will be typed up and shared electronically for you to keep.
Pricing options
1 hr
150 USD

Inkwood Healing
Westford, Massachusetts, United States
Insurance verified
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