Relationship Healing | Breakups with Mara Brami
English and Italian
In person
VortexHealing® Divine Magic Healing RELATIONSHIP HEALING in-depth protocol.
We have relationships with individual people, with our jobs, food, exercise, etc. and with life in general.
BREAKUPS: After a breakup, people are still very much intertwined energetically and in consciousness, which can be confusing and prevent them from moving on with their life.
Interaction between people is interwoven in the astral realm, and over time the emotional positionality expressed by each person builds up and the person starts to interact with that built up position instead of directly with another other person.
This ‘ field ‘ exists also on a personal karmic level, and on a general Universal Consciousness level that holds all personal interconnections of karmic cause and effect from the beginning of each being’s personal history; and between two ancestral genetic lines on a karmic level. VortexHealing® can clear your interactions from this builds up and so much more.
We have relationships with individual people, with our jobs, food, exercise, etc. and with life in general. After a breakup, people are still very much intertwined energetically and in consciousness, which can be confusing and prevent them from moving on with their life.
You do not need to acknowledge the other person if you wish to receive a relationship healing. Couples can also attend the session together if they wish so (the price shown when you book is the total price, not per person).
Pricing options
1 hr 45 min
180 GBP
Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Greater London, England, United Kingdom
English and Italian
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