VortexHealing® Divine Magic Healing with Mara Brami
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VortexHealing® is a powerful, holistic system of multi-dimensional healing and awakening from the Merlin lineage, which works solely with divine light and consciousness. It derives its name from a particular divine energy- vortex that is brought in through the heart and which becomes a vehicle for divine presence to manifest healing and transformation.
The deep connection to this divine presence is what makes VortexHealing®so unique, for the beginning practitioner can channel not just very powerful healing energies— the 49 unique forms of divine Vortex Light—but also the consciousness of the divine presence itself, and have all that be bridged deeply into whomever is being treated.
This enables VortexHealing® to perform extraordinary healings on the physical and emotional level as well as to release the deepest karmic issues and karmic layers we hold as human beings. They are transformed directly by divine consciousness, at all levels of our energy system & consciousness. At the same time, we are dropped deeper into our alignment with Divine and True Self.
The power of VortexHealing® can be demonstrated by using it on a “non-living” musical instrument (where no placebo effect is possible); its sound is audibly transformed with a short VortexHealing® With just the first level of VortexHealing® training, even the acupuncture system can be energized and cleared. All VortexHealings®are guided by the divine intelligence within the Vortex.
This divine presence, which is the source of all the grace and healing power of this lineage, refers to itself by the name “Merlin”, which is why this is called the Merlin lineage. The Merlin of the Arthurian legend was one of the human teachers of this lineage.
The view of VortexHealing® is that all of life is One (One Source, One Consciousness, One Divinity), expressing Itself as this amazing experience of creation. But our basic experience of life is that of being separate from everything else, which creates all kinds of issues and false identities that, over time (and lives), imprint or condition every level of our human system, and generate suffering.
This web of this conditioning is almost unimaginably deep, completely distorting our experience of being human. It creates all kinds of emotional issues, mental attitudes, and blockages in our human energy system, which ultimately generates weakness and physical disease.
The intent of VortexHealing® is to release this conditioning on every level it is found, returning the person to emotional balance and energetic strength, so that health prevails.
But the goal of VortexHealing® is also much larger than this. It is designed to create enough inner space from the webs of personal conditioning and enough self-awareness so that we can begin to awaken out of our conditioned web of reality to the freedom and Oneness that is our true nature.
Although the tools of VortexHealing® are designed to generate physical and emotional health (and they do so fantastically), on a deeper level they are designed to facilitate the deepest movement of healing that is possible, which is this kind of inner awakening to our true nature.
(Throughout the VortexHealing® trainings, the divine source of the lineage is continually preparing the student to have this awakening, ‘ripening’ them towards it, so that by a certain level of training, the awakening can actually be implemented in a class that is specifically designed for this.)
VortexHealing® can also be used for facilitating earth-shifts and accessing the immense amount of Divine assistance that has become available for our present human acceleration. This is the broader aspect of VortexHealing®. In advanced Vortex work, practitioners learn techniques that enable them to open Vortex spaces over towns and cities, and they learn open Divine Funnels and Divine Doors in places, to bridge more Divinity into the planet and into human’s consciousness. We also gather in groups to create a larger-scale planetary healings.
“VortexHealing®” is a registered service mark of the R.Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information, on VortexHealing visit [***].
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
120 GBP
Greater London, England, United Kingdom

Greater London, England, United Kingdom
English and Italian
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