Remote Energy Healing Session
Energy healing is excellent for healing any illness, injury, or imbalance. Partly because it offers healing to our energetic AND physical bodies. What affects the physical body affects the energetic body (and vice versa), so healing on both levels is more powerful than just treating physical symptoms.
Healing on the energetic level means moving out stagnant energy from our chakras, meridians, and auras, which can bring emotional healing to the fore, as pain - particularly long-lasting pain - holds emotion underneath. Some energy-healing clients experience a gentle release of old emotional wounds as energy shifts within them. The full experience is peaceful, relaxing, and healing.
Enjoy this relaxing energy healing session from the comfort and privacy of your own space! We will connect by Zoom and have an introductory conversation about your goals for our session. I will then connect with you energetically through a surrogate (I use a stuffed bear or a healing board) and send you Reiki energy.
Distance energy healing works just as well as in-person healing, because in the energetic realm, there is no distance, and all time is now. Reiki 2 and 3 practitioners are specifically trained in distance healing.
Pricing options
1 hr
90 USD
Inkwood Healing
Westford, Massachusetts, United States
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