Psychic Card Reading
My psychic oracle card readings are readings using oracle cards, where cards are pulled which channel important messages from spirit to help answer questions, concerns, give advice or help guide an individual through a specific situation, life purpose or path. One may use oracle to ask for guidance from spirit through their angels, spirit guides, spirit animals, archangels, or other deities for clarity. Oracle cards differ from tarot, as the messages may not be as “hard hitting”, and it may be easier to digest information through a positive or lighter message. I am an intuitive empath, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant, which allows me to channel deeper messages from spirit. I use a variety of oracle card decks to provide a personalized, detailed reading, which includes deciphering messages and providing advice on moving forward with ease.
Pricing options
30 min
35 USD
Julia Fetty
Chicago, Illinois, United States
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