Energy Healing with Felicity Sage

This powerful experience provides. profound healing session from the comfort of your own space. Felicity’s intuitive abilities and deep connection with universal energy will guide you towards balance, harmony, and a renewed sense of well-being. **What to Expect:** - **Personalized Healing:** Each session is uniquely tailored to your individual needs, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. - **Energy Alignment:** Felicity will channel healing energy to cleanse, balance, and align your chakras, promoting optimal energy flow throughout your body. - **Emotional Release:** Experience the release of emotional blockages and the clearing of stagnant energy, leaving you feeling lighter and more at peace. - **Deep Relaxation:** Enter a state of profound relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety while enhancing your overall sense of calm and clarity. - **Intuitive Insights:** Felicity may receive messages and insights during the session, offering guidance and clarity on your healing journey.


Pricing options

1 hr

94 AUD

Felicity Sage
Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia

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