Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching with Emma Saad
As an accredited holistic health and wellness coach, I work at the intersection of personal wellbeing and work and purpose. My work bridges health coaching with executive mentoring to invite reflection on the interconnection between health and career performance, personal satisfaction and self-worth. I am passionate about combatting burnout and supporting emerging leaders to cultivate sustainable and authentic ways of working that generate the most conscious and impactful outcomes for the community.
I have coached and mentored extensively on perfectionism and professional integrity – holding space for inquiry on how individuals can strive for excellence without tying their sense of personal value to the quality of their outputs; call on ethical principles to guide them in goal-setting and decision-making; and identify and navigate complex overlays of stakeholder interests, personal and professional values and risks in driving projects.
With professional backgrounds both in law reform and public policy, and as a multi-disciplinary group fitness instructor, my work as a coach seeks to support individuals to thrive in their health and wellbeing while performing purposeful and aligned work.
For further information about my qualifications, my professional membership profile on the HCANZA website is available here: [***]
Pricing options
1 hr
100 AUD
Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching
Kingston, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
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