Divine Pulse Energy Balance - locations across NSW
In person
Please note that as travelling healers, appointments are available across New South Wales, Australia. Locations include: Sydney's northern beaches, the south coast, Central Coast, Dubbo, and the Blue Mountains.
Sessions are available in Charmhaven at Lake Spa Wellness Centre from February 2024, and we will post other dates as they are scheduled.
Shelley McConaghy incorporates many techniques in her hands-on therapeutic sessions, from the modalities she has learned over 25 years.
The Divine Pulse Energy Balance is Shelley’s signature vibrational healing session incorporating her favourite techniques that bring the deepest relaxation and release.
The rhythmic rocking motion relaxes the nervous system — assisting to release long-held tension and emotional charge.
Shelley works gently and effectively to help clients let go, relax, and it feels like layers melt away.
Who is this session for?
This session is ideal if you prefer hands-on therapeutic sessions rather than energy work done in the etheric field.
Perfect for those who respond to gentle, nurturing touch, and if you:
* Feel like you hold emotional tension in the body long after the incident
* Sense that you have residual trauma stored away
* Tend to hold tension in the body when memories arise
* Find it difficult to relax and let go
* Are very sensitive to touch
* Enjoy rhythmic motion such as being on a boat, in a hammock or a swing, or a rocking chair.
What to expect
These sessions are conducted in fully-clothed comfort on the massage table, with a cotton sheet covering the body.
Shelley is intuitively guided throughout every session and you will feel her gentle touch as a soothing hold of the head and body joints, rhythmic rocking sensations throughout the session, and gentle stillness at other times. She is encouraging your body to relax and let go of tension, long-held emotional charge, and the residual energetic debris of trauma.
The kind of work we do is very helpful when you would like to:
* lift and shift feelings of anxiety and depression
* bring balance to your energy levels
* begin to clear yourself of troubling thought patterns
* move aspects of physical pain along.
You might go to sleep, drift into a peaceful meditation, start to experience unexpected feelings and shed tears, feel like you’re flying through a star-filled sky in an experience of complete oneness. Your body may change temperature or feel the sensation of energy zinging around or going quite still. One thing is for sure, you will emerge feeling clearer and lighter, more relaxed, and like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
How to prepare
* don’t wear a fitbit or any such ‘wearable’ EMF emitting devices in the healing room
* be well hydrated to achieve the best results of digesting the energetic influx.
Pricing options
1 hr
120 AUD
Charmhaven, New South Wales, Australia
Divine Balance
Charmhaven, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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