Holistic Kinesiology with Xanthe Pearson

Holistic Kinesiology works to identify causes of stress & helps to resolve imbalances in the systems of your body. Kinesiologists tap into your body’s natural biofeedback system, using indicator muscles and points to identify where stresses have accumulated, specific to your own physiology. It can uncover any recurring patterns or blocks that need clearing. Kinesiology is unique in that it relies upon your innate healing power to get below the surface of symptoms. Its strength also lies in its non-invasive nature. Kinesiology can assist with a broad spectrum of conditions & emotions, and is particularly useful for trauma & emotionally challenging events in life. A session facilitates enhancement of your whole being & balances personal goals & aspirations within chosen aspects of your life. It seeks to create harmony within each of the realms of the body. Tools I use in my own practice include: Oracle Cards Acupressure Points Meridian Energy Flow Tapping Emotional Stress Release Chakra Balancing Flower Essences Remove bad energy Sessions complement: Western, Chinese, Tibetan & Indian Medicine, Osteopathy, Homoeopathy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Naturopathy & Herbalism.


Pricing options

1 hr 30 min

200 AUD

Xanthe Pearson Xanthe Pearson profile impression
Equiessence Kinesiology
North Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
Insurance verified

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