Food and Mood | 1:1 Nutrition Coaching with Cynthia Bartolo

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Over the last few decades, research has revealed that the gut is not only the digestive centre of the body, it plays a major role in the immune system, hormone regulation and the nervous system. Often referred to as the ‘second brain’, the gut can influence mood, behaviour and learning. Our modern lifestyle has seen a gradual shift over the decades from consuming mostly home-cooked meals using fresh ingredients, to purchased meals and highly processed ingredients. What used to be a ‘treat’ or ‘sometimes food’ has made its way into the regular diet. Processed foods are often high in ingredients that are inflammatory to the gut, which can impact mood and overall health. Cynthia will help you learn how to make healthier food choices and overcome the lack of time or capacity to cook to support you to make manageable changes for you and your family. She can help you determine your goals or work with your existing dietician or other health professional to support your success. Practical support can be provided through our guided shopping trips and food labelling education. Cynthia can also link you with support workers who love to cook and are able to shop or cook for you, or with you, in your own [***] NDIS clients can claim this through their plan, but you do not need to have a disability to access this service.


Pricing options

1 hr

150 AUD


Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia

Exact location will be provided after booking

Cynthia Bartolo Cynthia Bartolo profile impression
The Sacred Nest
Ascot Vale, Victoria, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check

Cynthia also offers

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch (or TT) is a process that uses compassion and intention to connect with... Therapeutic Touch (or TT) is a process that uses compassion and intention to connect with the client, fostering feelings of support and deep relaxation. TT combines traditional knowledge with modern scientific understanding of the body’s energy field to support relaxation and healing. Underpinned by a strong evidence base, it has been used for over 50 years alongside mainstream healthcare by nurses and other medical practitioners around the world. Founded in New York in 1972, the modality has been taught around the world including universities. Although many benefits have been recorded, studies show that TT can: - lower anxiety - reduce pain - enhance healing and recovery - provide symptom relief - settle behaviour - provide comfort in palliative care. TT has also been shown to stabilise blood pressure, calm children and families, improve sleep and increase intuition and creativity. TT is suitable for all ages from infants to the elderly. It is also beneficial for anyone needing relaxation and compassionate attention. As a carer herself, Cynthia knows first-hand how much TT can help to ‘refill your cup’. Each session is a special time for you to rest and recharge. Sessions usually start with a chat to discuss any concerns that you may have or wish to focus on. During the treatment, Cynthia will use her hands, either on or off the body, to re-balance the field with intention and compassion. You will remain fully clothed and either sitting in a chair or lying on a massage table, whichever is most comfortable. Initial sessions are typically 90 minutes in total, including discussion, treatment and rest time to enhance the process. Follow up sessions are usually 1 hour. Treatment time may vary depending on client age and assessed needs. Read more

In person

1 hr

90 AUD

Meditation for Busy Minds

Many studies have supported the link between meditation and positive health outcomes such... Many studies have supported the link between meditation and positive health outcomes such as brain function, memory, anxiety reduction, digestion, pain management and immune system function. Stillness Meditation Therapy or SMT is a simple meditation practice that merely asks you to sit for a while, relax the physical body and let go of any expectations. “As the body relaxes, the mind will follow”. Meditation is especially helpful in calming the nervous system which has several benefits, including: - lowering blood pressure - reducing heart rate - reducing inflammation - managing stress - reducing anxiety. It has also been shown to promote the body’s own healing processes, which are often compromised by our modern fast-paced lifestyle. So, what makes SMT different from other forms of meditation? It’s all about its simplicity. Cynthia says: “There are no mantras, images, sounds or movements. SMT guides you into ‘letting go’ of mental noise and physical tension. Besides promoting deep relaxation during the session, SMT helps to ‘train’ your brain and body to achieve more long-term composure and anxiety relief. No caves or monasteries required! Many people think that they cannot meditate as the act of being still is foreign or uncomfortable for them, as it was for me when I first started. With this in mind, I have custom designed sessions using the principles of SMT.” During these sessions, Cynthia will gently guide you to move through any resistance and into a place where the mind can rest. She will support you by placing warm, reassuring hands on your shoulders at intervals during the meditation session: that will help you to move deeper into stillness. This therapeutic use of touch is unique to the SMT technique (hands on is optional). Read more

In person

1 hr

90 AUD

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