End Of Life Doula Intensive Course
In person
The Foundation Workshop, which is the pre-requisite to the 4-day intensive, is like skimming a stone over the river. It touches many times, but doesn’t go deeply.
The Foundation Workshop is a pre-requisite for this course as well as a two-part preparation project in between the two courses. This way, everyone begins the 4-day intensive with the same baseline knowledge.
Our 4-day intensive dives deep. The first day begins an immersion experience where each person tells a personal end of life story which creates a deep wealth of heartfelt sharing and kinship. People connect deeply in this training and often become lifelong friends.
Over the following 3 days, we work with our experiences from different angles. There is group work, work completed in pairs, lots of conversations, stories, and deep interaction.
We deep dive on who we have to ‘be’ to do this work – it is transformational and healing. We cover things like listening in new ways, being with, self-care, grief and bereavement, compassion and resilience, meditation and complementary therapies.
We deep dive on what we ‘do’ in this work – it is confidence-giving, inspiring and extensive. Some of the things we cover are the difference between pain and suffering and ways to make a difference to both, planning, after death holistic care, funeral planning, ritual, bathing and dressing the body, cooling mechanisms for safe after death care of the deceased, end of life law in each state of Australia and more.
We deep dive on the steps to starting a business in this work – it is encouraging, motivating and empowering. We cover things like what a doula actually does (over 30 different possibilities!), how to share what we do with people, fee and service packages and structures, our business responsibilities (ethics, privacy, confidentiality, record keeping), how and where we promote and market ourselves, what’s next in our professional and personal development, next steps and support available after the training.
This 4-day intensive is run across four consecutive days online via Zoom. You will receive your course manual, resources and certificate of completion.
You also receive access to our 6-part masterclass series covering Advance Care Planning, Ethics and Documentation, Branding and Marketing, Holding a Death Cafe, Making Kick Ar*e Presentations and more!
After your course, we offer an impressive and meaningful array of support structures, services and mentoring to our doulas. It does not stop with the training - that is just the beginning of this wonderful road we walk.
To ensure individual support and to maximise interaction, participation and learning outcomes for all, we keep classes to an intimate size.
Come and join us. Come and fulfil that longing you have to make a difference. Be courageous and step into this conversation that most turn away from.
Together, we will make an enormous difference in our world.
**You will need to be fully booked at least two weeks before to allow time for your training manual and other resources to be express posted to you**
Pricing options
32 hr
1995 AUD
Sunbury, Victoria, Australia
Preparing the Way - End of Life Doula Training
Sunbury, Victoria, Australia
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