Dru Back Care & Wellbeing Course with Ruth Gent
Now more than ever our Dru techniques are exactly what so many people are needing to deal with the levels of uncertainty and anxiety in the world. Become a specialist in Back Care and Wellbeing and enhance your reach into your community and local workplaces to bring the peace, harmony and relief from pain that people are yearning for.
This research-based course is open to all qualified yoga teachers and will cover common stress management and wellbeing issues centred around back pain, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
You will learn easy-to-apply yoga solutions facilitating myofascial stretching, gradual muscle strengthening and healthy breathing. Practical application of the latest research around the many functions of the vagus nerve will give you a deep and nuanced understanding of the human relaxation [***] Graduate Yoga
3 extensive and progressive yoga programmes for Back Care and also 3 for Wellbeing to base your classes on
Trauma sensitive and compassionate teaching approach
Insights into the latest research on the many functions of the vagus nerve, musculo-fascial release & the psoas muscle
New approaches to using breathing and relaxation techniques
Pricing options
50 hr
695 AUD
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