Somatic Healing Therapy
In person
Marco’s somatic approach and embodiment practices will help you to come back into connection with yourself in a supportive healing environment.
Specialising in post-traumatic stress disorder, Marco works with his clients one-on-one to integrate multidisciplinary approaches to facilitate overall physical health and mental emotional wellbeing.
Marco will help you navigate uncomfortable sensations and emotions, which are consequences of repressed traumatic memories.
His gentle and subtle somatic techniques promote clear awareness of the self and the surrounding environment and a sense of safety within the present moment.
Marco will teach you techniques for body awareness and physiological regulation to help create control over debilitating symptoms and unconscious behavioural patterns.
Marco may also incorporate principles of integrational vibrational sound therapy into these sessions.
Before your first session, please book in for a 15 minute complimentary discovery call (available above) to connect with Marco and share your intentions.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
150 AUD
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Marco Tesi
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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