Intuitive Crystal Reading with Kate Messenger

In person
A Crystal Reading with Kate will provide clarity and deep insight into the question / issue you bring to the session, revealing the key energies and energy dynamics at play in any given situation - the challenges, lessons and gifts. Kate works with 70 specific Crystal Allies and 5 Elemental Allies together with her own intuitive reading of your energy and the energies at play in your life (physical, emotional, spiritual). You will walk away from your session having received a full healing transmission from the crystal and elemental energies, and with detailed messages, guidance and tools to reflect on and work with going forward. It is recommended to bring at least one intention or focused question, however Kate also does general readings if you wish.


Pricing options

1 hr

120 AUD


Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia

Exact location will be provided after booking

Kate Messenger Kate Messenger profile impression
Crystals & Dreaming
Mullumbimby, New South Wales, Australia

Kate also offers

Discovery call session

A discovery call will provide an opportunity to ask questions and gain an understanding about... A discovery call will provide an opportunity to ask questions and gain an understanding about your current challenges, goals and pain points. This is a key opportunity for us to start building a relationship and understand how I may be able to assist you. You can also learn more about my expertise and knowledge, the success I have had in helping others with similar issues, and consider whether my offerings will be able to meet your needs. Ultimately, a discovery call helps to determine if there is a good fit and we can decide if we would like to take the next steps together. Read more


15 min


Crystal Resonance Therapy™

A Crystal Resonance Therapy™ session with Kate is a powerful journey of transformation... A Crystal Resonance Therapy™ session with Kate is a powerful journey of transformation facilitated through a “laying on of stones” while you are in a relaxed and receptive state. The crystals work together synergistically to create powerful and lasting changes to the energies in your body and in your life. This therapy is a powerful modality that helps you access higher levels of consciousness and deep cellular memory to facilitate great shifts in your life. Combining ancient Atlantean and shamanic practices, quantum physics and mineralogy, Crystal Resonance Therapy™ expands on the traditional practice of laying on of stones to take you to a whole new level of self-knowledge, personal growth and healing power! Every session incorporates the powerful “Primus Activation Healing” technique, developed many years ago by Kate’s teacher, world-renowned crystal expert Naisha Ahsian. “Primus” is a state of “physiological coherence” (a term coined by the Heartmath Institute), which in simple terms means the heart’s energy field overrides your brain’s energy field, putting you in the best possible state for healing, repair and regeneration. This means that even before the stones are placed on your body, your energy starts shifting in a powerful way. Once the stones are placed on your body, the healing is taken to a whole new level. Read more

In person

1 hr 30 min

150 AUD

Weekend session Crystal Resonance Therapy™

A Crystal Resonance Therapy™ session with Kate is a powerful journey of transformation... A Crystal Resonance Therapy™ session with Kate is a powerful journey of transformation facilitated through a “laying on of stones” while you are in a relaxed and receptive state. The crystals work together synergistically to create powerful and lasting changes to the energies in your body and in your life. This therapy is a powerful modality that helps you access higher levels of consciousness and deep cellular memory to facilitate great shifts in your life. Combining ancient Atlantean and shamanic practices, quantum physics and mineralogy, Crystal Resonance Therapy™ expands on the traditional practice of laying on of stones to take you to a whole new level of self-knowledge, personal growth and healing power! Every session incorporates the powerful “Primus Activation Healing” technique, developed many years ago by Kate’s teacher, world-renowned crystal expert Naisha Ahsian. “Primus” is a state of “physiological coherence” (a term coined by the Heartmath Institute), which in simple terms means the heart’s energy field overrides your brain’s energy field, putting you in the best possible state for healing, repair and regeneration. This means that even before the stones are placed on your body, your energy starts shifting in a powerful way. Once the stones are placed on your body, the healing is taken to a whole new level. Read more

In person

1 hr 30 min

150 AUD

Weekend session Intuitive Crystal Reading

A Crystal Card Session with Kate will provide clarity and deep insight into the question... A Crystal Card Session with Kate will provide clarity and deep insight into the question / issue you bring to the session, revealing the key energies and energy dynamics at play in any given situation - the challenges, lessons and gifts. Kate works with 70 specific Crystal Allies and 5 Elemental Allies together with her own intuitive reading of your energy and the energies at play in your life (physical, emotional, spiritual). You will walk away from your session having received a full healing transmission from the crystal and elemental energies, and with detailed messages, guidance and tools to reflect on and work with going forward. It is recommended to bring at least one intention or focused question, however Kate also does general readings if you wish. Read more

In person

1 hr

120 AUD

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