Wayapa Corporate session with Rebecca Dunn
Wayapa Wuurrk means to connect to the Earth. When the Earth is strong and healthy then we are in body mind and spirit. No healthy Earth means no healthy humans or other kin. In this modality, we pay respects to 14 elements and explore our connection to each and our responsibilities. We finish with either a guided earth meditation or a physical movement practice (suitable for all abilities) to embody each element and once we roll up our mats, take active steps towards caring for country.
If you feel despair at the direction the world is going this is a form of active hope where we can honour and be the change that needs to take place in the world .
Pricing options
1 hr 15 min
500 AUD

A little bit seedy
Freshwater, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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