Rebirthing breathwork – Individual session
In person
Rebirthing breathwork is conscious, connected breathing. In simple terms, we repair the breathing mechanism by merging our inhale and our exhale.
Breathing connected, heart open, expand the chest and let gravity take the exhale. This is how we breathed in the sacred womb waters. When we remember this and merge our inhale and exhale, profound healing can take place and we can safely let go of past traumas lodged in our body. This is a nourishing, restorative practice where we get out of our heads and let the breath and body commune with source wisdom and energy for healing and health.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
150 AUD
Freshwater, New South Wales, Australia
A little bit seedy
Freshwater, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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