In person
Reiki healing works with energy centres using hand helping, crystals and sound therapy.
A natural system of healing that focuses on body energy, reiki is traditionally used to ease emotional, mental and physical ailments. Reiki is a non-invasive healing method that improves your body’s natural healing method while re-energising your body.
This traditional Japanese art of healing aims to harmonise your body’s energy flow by recharging and revitalising your body’s natural drive to heal itself. The front and the back of the body is treated with light pressure to run energy into the body. The body’s natural energetic homeostasis directs the energy to the sites most in need of repair. The effect of this is often very gentle with sensations of heat, cold or tingling appearing and moving through your body.
Every effect is different, based on the individual.
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Murarrie, Queensland, Australia
Haven Yoga Meditation
Murarrie, Queensland, Australia
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