Sound Healing
In person
A Sound Healing at Atlantis Rising births your "Intelligent Heart".
I attune to the Intelligent Heart of the client and we co-create through The Intelligent Heart to facilitate the 'Receiving of Love'.
The process is a co-creative journey with the client selecting a number of bowls (2 -4 bowls) for the healing from our Advanced Alchemy Bowl Gallery. This is important step, as the client has a sense of 'Self Responsibility'; knowing that they have chosen the bowls for their personal healing process.
The client, is invited to lay on the healing table with a soft fleecy rug over them, to feel secure. I read a passage from one of my Wisdom Teachings to guide the client into a brief Meditation; settling the mind.
Energised Sacred Spray Mists of ancient Egyptian aroma essence infusions is sprayed over the Aura and Sacred Anointing Oils are placed over the 3rd Eye Chakra.
The bowls are softly played around and over the client with brief silent breaks to allow the cellular activations to take place and be integrated.
A warm herbal tea or cool fresh water is offered at completion of the healing process.
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Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia
Atlantis Rising Healing Centre & Mystery School
Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia
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