Senju Kannon Usui Reiki Training Level 3 Master Teacher
In person
Senju Kannon Usui Reiki Training is Globally Accredited through International Energetic Healing Association. This ancient Hand on Healing method allows you to Self Treat and to give Healing Reiki energy to others and Teach and Attune others to the Sacred Reiki energy.
You are being offered “The Final Secret” in your Level 3 Master Teacher fully integrated training programme. The Secrets of Senju Kannon Reiki will be available to you in new powerful downloads for your consciousness.
Believing in your own power is The Secret to your individuality and this Two Day programme allows you to partake in the miracle of your Secret Self. By drawing on your own individual essence, you will begin to confidently develop your own personal programmes and give Attunements to others yourself.
Forgetting your past, the people and events from your old world your Senju Kannon Reiki Masters is a reunion with your own Secret Heart. You will begin to stat, allowing your 'all', to create with you. Knowing you are witnessing all the time, your power against the forces of gravity through your emotional heart and intellectual mind taking you away from your own unbelievable power.
The power and light of your beingness creates with you. You are a force to be reckoned with as you travel on you spiral symbols of power. You will begin to allow, merge, and become one for the spectacle of who you are.
Training can be received in person - 16 Hours ( 2 days intensive)
Investment $2,000.00
or via Online Training Hub - 14 Modules in your Own Space at your Own Pace
Pricing options
8 hr
2000 AUD
Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia
Atlantis Rising Healing Centre & Mystery School
Coolangatta, Queensland, Australia
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