Acupuncture-Followup Session
In person
The appropriate treatment will be decided upon at the beginning of each session (acupuncture, moxibustion and/or or cupping).
Typically, if it is a new problem, improvement and/ or resolution may only take a few treatments. If the problem has been around for months or years, a longer course of treatment may be required. A typical course of treatment usually lasts somewhere between four to six sessions.
The insertion of acupuncture needles allows the proper flow along the circuit to be re-established, allowing the channels and their corresponding internal organs to return to a balanced state, and the body to normal physiological functioning. This can mean freedom from pain and mental fatigue, and an increase in vitality to help you live your life more fully and creatively.
Moxibustion is the use of the herb Chinese mugwort, called moxa, on the skin to warm specific acupuncture points or areas like the abdomen. Moxa comes in a fine ground texture that is made into small cones and used either on the end of a needle or placed on the skin. The top is then lit and burns down a little way, creating a pleasant, penetrating warmth, used to warm the yang of the body.
Cupping is a therapy used to treat muscle pain or the early stages of colds and flu. Glass cups with suction are placed on the skin, usually on the back, and moved around for a short period of time to remove lactic acid from tight muscle groups.
If appropriate, you will receive dietary, herbal and lifestyle recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of your treatments.
Pricing options
1 hr
105 AUD
North Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
Sevenways Health Centre
North Bondi, New South Wales, Australia
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