Term 4 Yoga - (pre-paid by the term) or casually, if space allows
In person
Max participants
Esther teaches Satyananda yoga (classical yoga - therapeutic, breath-centred, meditative style) at Yoga in Hornsby in a private beautiful studio setting.
Classes run with the school term (now until 17 December) and usually consist of 10 classes per term. I’d you are late to join just pay for the number of remaining weeks to hold your spot. A class typically has a 10 minute relaxation/meditative practice, followed by about 50 minutes of asanas (postures). You will be shown some breathing techniques (pranayama) which are also used throughout the practice, finishing with a deep meditative relaxation (yoga Nidra) with some deeper meditative practices such as trataka (candle gazing), mantra repetition, antar mouna (inner silence) and kaya stherium (stillness and steadiness), ajapajapa, etc being offered in the progressive beginner classes.
Practices are modified for each individual so it is accessible for all including those who want a stronger practice, If there is space in the class, you may join as a casual which is $26 ($22 per class when pre-booked by the term/remainder of the term if space and joining late). Always check there is a spot directly with Esther before purchasing to avoid disappointment as they do tend to fill fast especially during covid when spots are even more limited. There is a waitlist system to get the best chance of securing a spot.
Pricing options
1 hr 30 min
22 AUD
Hornsby Heights, New South Wales, Australia
Yoga in Hornsby
Hornsby Heights, New South Wales, Australia
Holds a relevant Working With Children Check
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