Acupuncture treatments
In person
Energy or chi is the precursor to all body functions; it is the "stuff of life – the life force". Chi circulates throughout the body at all levels, via blood and breath, in cycles such as time (24 hrs) and season, permeating every cell with essential life-giving energy. When the flow is interrupted through blockage, caused by reason of accident, or living habits; conditions of excess or deficiency arise in the processes or functionality of respective organs.
The ancients observed that at a more superficial level, energy is circulating around the body via a maze of channels, within which are points of concentrated circulating energy or ‘hot spots’ that when stimulated, influence specific areas, processes and organs. These channels they called ‘meridians’ and the hot spots they named ‘acupuncture points’.
Acupuncture works by regulating the body’s energy flow through the stimulation of these acupuncture points, in specific combinations and technique, using either needles, touch, or heat.
Mostly, one may expect alleviation of the condition and its symptoms, to varying degrees depending on the nature and status of the condition. A course of treatment is sometimes necessary if the condition is particularly chronic or systemic.
The treatments are not painful in the gross sense although slight brief twinges of pain may be felt on needle insertion, which diminishes quickly. Subsequent sensations may be of heat, tingling, pressure, or dull ache, this is an indication of the chi energy ‘moving’ and is regarded as positive.
Treatments may include acupuncture, laser acupuncture, electro acupuncture, auricular therapy (ear acupuncture).
Initial assessment including Acugraph report and treatment $160
Extended treatment $120
Standard treatment $100
Standard treatment with Acugraph $140
Pricing options
Newport, New South Wales, Australia
Healing Arts and Sciences
Newport, New South Wales, Australia
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