Making the most of Your Standard Membership

Standard membership offers a full range of features and benefits that SoulAdvisor has developed to enhance your credibility and make sure you stand out online. Standard membership includes the capacity to use our state-of-the-art booking system, easily synced with your own or as your primary option.

To fully understand Standard Membership, please check out Making the Most of Your Free Membership and then read below for additional features available on Standard Membership. 

  • Standard Membership provides the opportunity for Explorers to get to know you. Spend time following our biography guidelines to make the best use of this online real estate to encourage the uptake of your services.
  • Standard Members can track their visitations and click-throughs to their profile to determine how best to adjust their offerings to engage with potential clients. By actively managing your online presence, you can maximize your visibility and ensure that your profile accurately reflects your current work and interests.
  • If you find that your level of experience or training is not sufficient to become a SoulAdvisor Verified Practitioner, you may choose to follow our Pending Verification pathway. Badges for both these levels of engagement are provided for you to display on your social media, website, and printed material announcing your membership in our SoulAdvisor practitioner community. 
  • Standard membership allows you to encourage full engagement with your services by providing your social media and website links for Explorers to see more of what you do. 
  • SoulAdvisor stands alone in supporting practitioners to continue to improve their practice standards to achieve the SoulAdvisor Verified Practitioner status. Through our upcoming Mentoring and Buddying programs, we are working to cross-reference and strengthen members of our international practitioner community. All levels of membership are eligible to join in the Buddying and Mentoring system.  
  • Standard membership can list simple events or retreats here on the SoulAdvisor website and Explorers will be directed to this page monthly through our Events bulletin.
  • Participate in the affiliate program. We offer a 15% discount to the new practitioner and you receive a 15% reward from their subscriptions, as long as they remain a member. This is a great way to support and grow our SoulAdvsior Community internationally.  
  • Direct messaging capacity, Zoom integration, and the opportunity to book Discovery Calls from your dashboard allow easy communication with your clients to make sure that you can convert interest into bookings. 
  •  As a Standard member, being able to accept Reviews and Ratings for clients that you work with outside of the SoulAdvisor platform and you can utilise these reviews on your website via our handy SoulAdvisor widget, truly enhances your online credibility. 
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