Making the most of Your Premium Membership
Premium membership truly enhances your capacity to be seen and engaged with Health Explorers who are looking to enhance their wellbeing journey. Premium membership includes the capacity to use our state-of-the-art booking system and the choice to utilise this on your website for a fraction of the cost of most booking systems.
To fully understand Premium Membership, please check out Making the Most of Your Free Membership, Making the Most of Your Standard Membership, and then read below for additional features available on Premium Membership.
- Premium Membership offers you the capacity to put your related therapeutic goods on our marketplace. With a worldwide and increasingly broad reach, this places your items for sale in front of a wider audience.
- Being able to create discounts and offers as a Premium member further encourages Explorers to engage with your services.
- Our Premium membership allows you to increase your standing in the wellness community by being considered to become an Ambassador for SoulAdvisor within your geographical or practice community. This reciprocal opportunity can be explored here.
- SoulAdvisor stands alone in supporting practitioners to continue to improve their practice standards to achieve the SoulAdvisor Verified Practitioner status. Through our upcoming Mentoring and Buddying programs, we are working to cross-reference and strengthen members of our international practitioner community. Our Premium members who have practised their chosen modality for over ten years are welcome to apply to Mentor or offer a Traineeship through our programs. We see this as a position that should be paid and be guided by an Agreement for Services. SoulAdvisor provides guidelines for creating this safe container for your services. All levels of membership are eligible to join in the Buddying and Mentoring system.
- Premium membership can list simple events or retreats here on the SoulAdvisor website and Explorers will see your events listed monthly through our Events bulletin. For Premium members, we also can promote your events on our social media platforms.
- With a Premium membership, you gain more control over your online credibility. You can easily send review requests to all your clients, including those outside the SoulAdvisor platform, directly from your dashboard. Moreover, to further strengthen your online presence, you can seamlessly display these positive reviews on your website using our convenient SoulAdvisor Widget.