How can I subscribe to other calendars in SoulAdvisor?

As SoulAdvisor is a booking platform, it is important that you provide your availability to receive client appointments.

This will require you to allocate your working hours on your profile and sync your personal and professional calendars. Once completed, your customers will be able to book a time on the spot with you at a time that will be convenient for both of you and provide a seamless booking process.

You can do this manually or you have the option to sync your SoulAdvisor calendar with an existing calendar that you use.

You could keep your SoulAdvisor Calendar up-to-date by subscribing to your external calendars that support the iCalendar format, including Google Calendar,, and more.

Calendar Subscription:

  1. Go to Dashboard > SoulAdvisor Calendar
  2. Click on "Calendars" on the right side
  3. Click on "Subscribe to calendar" from the dropdown
  4. Paste the iCalendar address (URL) in the pop-up and put the name that you could know about this calendar. How to get the iCalendar address?
  5. To remove the double booking anxiety, you can also set up the two-way calendar syncing
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