How do I offer Promotion?

With our new Promotion feature, you can now easily offer discounts or special deals to your clients. It's a win-win situation: you attract more clients and strengthen your connection within the community.

While only paid plan members can offer promotions, practitioners of any plan and health explorers are eligible to receive them. 

Ready to run a promotion? Just follow these simple steps:

1.  Navigate to your dashboard and select "Services"

2. Select the "Offer" dropdown

3. Select “Promotion”

4. Enabled the Promotion

5. Fill in the required information:

  • Enter your discount rate: Tell your clients how much you wish to offer!
  • Select the service: Choose which service this discount applies to.
  • Set your promotion dates: Pick the start and end dates for your discount.
  • Save your changes: Click "Save" to confirm.

6. You'll receive a message confirming that your promotion is now active for the dates you selected.

7. Your promotion offer will appear on your profile starting on the date you set.

To explore promotions offered by our practitioners, you can filter your search or visit this link


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