Do I need an ABN to be on the SoulAdvisor platform?

Yes, in Australia, an Australian Business Number (“ABN”) is a requirement. More details can be found here.

If your business is not located in Australia, then you will need to provide the appropriate business number or information based on your country's requirements.

Nominated bank accounts

As part of our booking functionality, you will be required to provide a nominated bank account. We require your nominated bank account to be connected to the ABN (or equivalent) that has been provided. This ensures security and that your payments are being sent to the appropriate bank account.

When starting with SoulAdvisor, it may take a few extra working days than normal processing time for your first payment to be received from our third-party provider. Once the initial payment is made, all payments are expected to be paid within 3-5 working days.

Company and other business structures

If your ABN (or equivalent) is connected to a company or another business structure such as a trust then you may be required to provide additional documentation to demonstrate a connection to your business and the ABN (or equivalent) provided.

If you have any questions on this as part of your registration process, please discuss it with your Practitioner Relationship officer or email [email protected].

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