First Nations Cultural Training for Wellness Practitioners

First Nations Cultural Training for Wellness Practitioners

Date and time
Tue, 20 Sep 2022
In person
Online via Zoom
Online via Zoom
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First Nations Cultural Training for Wellness practitioners

First Nations peoples free and one bursary available for others.

with Eve White , Jem Stone and special guest Yuin Elder Jrumpinjinbah



This 3 hour training includes [6pm - 9pm]:

1. What does it mean to practice on this ancient land?

2. Yaaning, normalising ceremony and creating real Acknowledgement of Country

3. Caring and connecting to Country and Community - Reciprocity

4. Exploring our own ancestry and cultural connections

5. Teaching with cultural awareness

6. Navigating the territory of cultural appropriation

7. Going deeper - songlines, totemic connection and aligning with natural cycles

8. What is traditional wellbeing - decolonising wellness and what that looks like

9.Touching on trauma in a safe place

10. Traditional wisdom for modern lives - Dadirri, Wayapa, Kanyini and We Al-li and Ngangkarri

>>> Whenever we mention First Nation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island or Indigenous peoples

we are referring to all original tribal peoples from the continent now known as Australia <<<

Please be aware - this is an approximate description of content. We are offering a decolonised experience in the tradition of a Yaan which is highly dependant on who shows up for the event so the conversation will follow respectful attention to everyone's needs and state of understanding.

We provide a bursary position in all of our trainings for someone, in the spirit of reciprocity. Please apply here

Host and facilitators



SoulAdvisor is an emerging global health and wellness company founded in Australia that offers access to a growing collective of qualified practitioners. SoulAdvisor’s purpose is to be a global facilitator of health and wellness through access, education and advancement of traditional and complementary therapies.

Ngungwulah Aboriginal Corporation

Ngungwulah Aboriginal Corporation

Ngungwulah Aboriginal Corporation's primary objective is to advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people’s culture within the Australian wellness community. Having first championed the Reconciliation Action Plan held by Yoga Australia by creating respectful introduction of conversation, learning opportunities and communications, together we are expanding this objective into the broader wellness community.

Date and time
Tue, 20 Sep 2022
In person
Online via Zoom
Online via Zoom
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